Welcome to the great sport of Dachshund Field Trialing.
Key factors in having a successful day at a dachshund field trial involve the proper handling of yourself and your dog. From releasing your dog on the scent line to learning through participation in the gallery, field and beating line will help you gain experience in the event. The following articles will give you some tips that will hopefully improve your handling abilities and your ability to learn more about this sport.
Click on the links to download and print.
Permission granted to the Dallas Fort Worth Dachshund Club, Inc. to use this document on their website. The author, Sandi Myers, retains copyright privileges for any other distribution or future use.
A Day at a Dachshund Field Trial
A day at a Dachshund Field Trial. Filmed in Georgia and Ladonia Texas. Please enjoy and please consider coming to a field trial near you!
Permission to use & video credit it to Sharon McDonald
Field Trial Lingo- Brush up on all those Field Trial terms!
BRACE A pair of randomly assigned dogs who will run together.
BRACEMATE Your dog’s running partner.
SLIP LEAD A length of small, smooth rope used as a leash that slips through the o-ring on the dog’s collar.
SCENT LINE The path the rabbit took when he ran away.
BEATER A person who walks through the field, flushing out rabbits.
FIELD MARSHALL The person who oversees the beaters.
MEMBER FIELD TRIAL A field trial at which championship points may be awarded, given by a member club of AKC
LICENSED FIELD TRIAL A field trial at which championship points may be awarded, given by a licensed club of AKC.
SANCTIONED FIELD TRIAL An informal field trial at which dogs are not competing for championship points, and held by a club which is not a member of AKC but which has been specially licensed by AKC to give the specific field trial designated by the license or in other words ” Match”.
BRACE ON RABBIT (Brace on Hare) – All licensed and member dachshund field trials shall be run in braces on rabbit or hare.
STAKES Regular Classes held at Field Trials shall be: Open All-Age Dogs, Open All-Age Bitches, Field Champions
PLACEMENTS Those earning 1st through 4th Place at a Licensed or Member Field Trial
N.B.Q Not a placement, but Judges may designate the Next Best Qualified Dachshund as NBQ
BEST OPEN The 1st Place winner of each Open Stake are Braced and run, the winner competes against the 1st Place Field Champion for Absolute
ABSOLUTE - absolutely the top dachshund of the day!
PREMIUM LIST A document which provides information about each club’s field trial for the purpose of distributing information about location, date, closing time, judges, stakes, game, prizes, entry fees, entry forms, meals, running order, and other information to help exhibitors with attending the event.
RUNNING ORDER Stakes or classes are run depending on the number of entries and other conditions. Some clubs run concurrently or consecutively (may or may not be stated in the premium list).
ENTRY FORM Owners must submit this document for the dog to be entered. Owners are responsible for errors made on entry forms regarless of who may have made such errors. Be sure to complete the entire form with the information as printed, don’t forget the AKC Registration Number, Date of Birth, and Owners & Handler’s Addresses, Phone Number and Email (if available).
ENTRY Dog’s Must Be Present to be entered in a field trial the dog must be present on the grounds, this is one reason that many clubs do not take advanced entries.
RULES AKC Field Trial Rules and Standard Procedure for Dachshunds published by the American Kennel Club DCA – rules established by the Dachshund Club of America Local Club – rules established by the local club hosting the field trial, these rules may not conflict with AKC or DCA Rules.